Dear Servants,
Over the last four Sundays, I have been preaching through the book of Philippians. I pray that it has been a blessing to you to hear as it has been for me to preach. I was struck especially by Paul’s words at the end of the letter where he expresses the fullness of joy because of the special friendship with the Philippians. Uniquely among the churches of Greece and Asia Minor, the Church of Philippi became dear friends and ministry partners with Paul, supporting him financially in the work of the Gospel. They supported him not only in his time in Philippi but even when he moved on to Thessalonica and Corinth.
As I reflect on the work of ministry in our parish, I am very thankful for those faith friends among you all who have continually given to the work of ministry at Servants of Christ. I believe God is continuing to work through this body to be a blessing not only to one another but also the community around us through love and good deeds. If you are a faithful supporter of the ministry, thank you for your faithfulness.
The fall has become the time of year that I come to you through letters and sermons to appeal once again for consideration of your personal commitment to tithes and offerings to the ministries of Servants of Christ. A pandemic may seem like a strange time to write to you about generosity and stewardship, but as we learn from the witness of the church at Philippi, severe tests of affliction can lead to an overflowing in a wealth of generosity. (2 Cor. 8:2)
I believe in general, there are four groups of people that are represented in a healthy, growing congregation. The first group are those who are already giving sacrificially to the work of ministry. The second group are those who have been giving but God is now calling to increase their gift to the work of ministry. Third, there are those who love the Lord but have not yet known the joy of regular committed giving. Fourth, there are those who do not yet know the goodness of the Lord but are seeking. There are few places where we as Christians act more counter-culturally than in our view of money. It is a step of discipleship that seems impossible at first, but when practiced over a long period of time, becomes something you do as an act of worship month by month. Regardless of which category you fall into, I would ask you to prayerfully consider what God is asking you to give up to Him in the year to come.
As I said in my sermon on October 11, we have lost some giving households over the last six months, mostly due to families moving to other areas of the country, so if you have been watching the financial updates in the bulletin, you will see we have been down with regards to our contributions. What this means to me as a pastor is that God is going to be sending or raising up others to replace the giving of those families that have moved away. Would you consider what God might be asking you to contribute?
Shortly you will be receiving the 2021 Giving Card that I would ask that you prayerfully consider and return by Sunday, November 22. You may also complete the card online at servantsanglican.org/give.
Despite Paul’s thankfulness for the gifts of the Philippians, he is careful to remind them that he is dependent upon God alone for what is needed.
Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:11-13
At all times we continue to trust the Lord to help us walk faithfully with Him in times of abundance or times of want. Will you pray with me that God will continue to help us make disciples, learning to do all that Jesus said?
May God continue to teach us the joy of giving in our daily walk with Him and may he continue the good work he has begun in us. (Phil. 1:6)
Onward and Upward,